With INVIKTUS You Can:
Leave your mail, install the App from the store and share it to get rewarded at the Rewards!
Join the Community that Saves while you Earn Today

How it Works

Save money by finding discounts near you
and earning GIRI in the process.
Scan Products
Select the store in which you are and simply scan the barcodes of the products you are interested in buying; in case some of them are new products, complete their information and get GIRI for your effort!
Save Money
Input products prices and, clicking on a button, check the same scanned items in the nearest stores to find better deals; in case you get nicer prices, we will say on which products and how much you saved!
For both registering new products and checking prices in the nearest stores, as well as for more actions like sharing our App with your friends and family, you will be rewarded with GIRI!

About Us

A doxxed and passionate team with software development and telecom business background,
holding a full international sight to embrace a global revolutionary project like INVIKTUS.

Why it Matters

Web3 must transit from a “play to earn” short-sight speculative paradigm to a real world use case where benefits spread of general population. At the same time, we consider privacy and personal sovereignty as the keywords to produce more welfare and a equal Planet.

Our Mission

Concretely help people on financial relief and make Inviktus a big part of their lives through a daily use of our App.

Our Vision

Establish a new win-win and more balanced relationship between consumers and producers by helping both sides of the process.

Inviktus Global Inflation Rate Index

Global Daily 0.0023% Global Monthly 0.014% Global Yearly 1.07%


Swap rewarded GIRI or spend them in the soon to come inviktus marketplace.
During scanning, user receives highly targeted promos and is rewarded to see them.
Additional GIRI are rewarded for new products scanned and new stores added to database.
Scan products, input prices and search for better deals in near grocery stores.
Beside savings, you are rewarded with GIRI for checking prices and get deals.
Leave your mail, install the App from the store and share it to get rewarded at the Rewards!
Join the Community that Saves while you Earn Today

Contact Us

Nice to meet you! To contact us for any idea, issue,
information, or just for any curiosity about INVIKTUS,
just drop us a line, we will try to reply asap!

Phone Number

+1 (305) 776-9364

Contact E-Mail


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Login to our Administration Site

Would you need more Information?

E-mail us to support@inviktus.com
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